Nos services

Pet Sitting  

If you need to get away for a few days and are looking for someone you can trust to take care of your pet, look no further!

We offer two pet sitting options

- In-Home Care: In-home care is ideal for pets who prefer to remain in their usual environment or who have specific medical needs.  

​- Pet Sitter Care: Foster care is ideal if your pet is an adventurer at heart an​d enjoys discovering new environments. 

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Home Visit  

If your pet is more of a homebody and independent, then a one-time visit is an ideal solution for him. 

We offer a pet home visit service to help you care for your pet when you can't be there.

Our Pet Sitter will come to your home 1 to several times a day to take care of your pet. He will be able to feed him, take him out to relieve himself, play with him, and give him the necessary care.

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Personalized Walks  

Dog walking is the most popular choice for owners with busy schedules.

That's why we offer a dog walking service to give your dog a physical and mental activity that is beneficial to his well-being.

We are committed to providing a quality walk that is appropriate to your dog's age, breed, needs and preferences.

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Taking care of your pet can be a difficult task, especially when it comes to its hygiene and appearance.

That's why we offer a personalized grooming service by professional groomers who are experts in their field.

We understand that every pet is unique, which is why we work with you to provide a grooming experience tailored to your pet's needs and preferences.

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